Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hello jkmusicforlife.blogspot.com

Hello Blog. I am sorry I have not attended to you much in the previous months. I have had my mind on growing my twitter account that I had not taken the time to post and write music. My twitter account @jkmusicforlife currently has close to 7000 followers with the help of this program http://ow.ly/2qi9k . I have been posting messages on it everyday that helps inspire me and others to grow and follow their passion.

I have also made some money with twitter using this http://spn.tw/r2Nkt although I have
made some money. I do not like to clutter my tweets with sponsored ads every few seconds. So, I have
chosen the products that I think would benefit my followers only.

I have also been making youtube videos, although not professional, on my raw food journey
that I have taken up for three weeks-- my personal youtube channel is at:

All my videos are raw and unedited. Therefore not as professional as other youtubers which spend
hours to get their videos looking just the way they imaged in their heads. I personally like to do
one take and that's it, and don't have to worry about editing and let the people see the real me.
The First Video I ever made on youtube, I spent hours saying the same thing over and over, just
to get it sounding the way I wanted to sound, but it was so time consuming that I just wanted
to do everything in one take and let the world know who John Khuu really is. It may not be polished
but it is me. I'm not trying to aim for perfection like other youtubers, which is probably why
my view hits aren't as high as other youtubers. I just say oh well, and keep on making videos
and improve along the way.

That is how I am doing things right now whether people like it or not. A lot of things we see
on tv has been rehearsed over and over and dozens of takes had to be taken to get that "perfect"
shot that's the same with youtubers. The successful ones spend hours to get videos just right before
they release out for public viewing. I personally like to say what's on my mind without editing myself.
It frees me and I am not worried if I don't get any views or not. I just like being myself, and it's always
nice to see how the finished product evolved a long the way.

Some youtuber post there "bloopers" on their channel and I seen many edit video because they
stumbled upon a word, or laughed in the middle of their talk. I think people like to see that kind
of stuff;it's relatable. So, that's just my take on editing my videos.

So, that's just my rambling about why I haven't been writing on this blog lately. I will post on here
everyday for a week just to get my juices going again, and start writing more lyrics and getting inspired
to make more music. I miss creating.