Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hello jkmusicforlife.blogspot.com

Hello Blog. I am sorry I have not attended to you much in the previous months. I have had my mind on growing my twitter account that I had not taken the time to post and write music. My twitter account @jkmusicforlife currently has close to 7000 followers with the help of this program http://ow.ly/2qi9k . I have been posting messages on it everyday that helps inspire me and others to grow and follow their passion.

I have also made some money with twitter using this http://spn.tw/r2Nkt although I have
made some money. I do not like to clutter my tweets with sponsored ads every few seconds. So, I have
chosen the products that I think would benefit my followers only.

I have also been making youtube videos, although not professional, on my raw food journey
that I have taken up for three weeks-- my personal youtube channel is at:

All my videos are raw and unedited. Therefore not as professional as other youtubers which spend
hours to get their videos looking just the way they imaged in their heads. I personally like to do
one take and that's it, and don't have to worry about editing and let the people see the real me.
The First Video I ever made on youtube, I spent hours saying the same thing over and over, just
to get it sounding the way I wanted to sound, but it was so time consuming that I just wanted
to do everything in one take and let the world know who John Khuu really is. It may not be polished
but it is me. I'm not trying to aim for perfection like other youtubers, which is probably why
my view hits aren't as high as other youtubers. I just say oh well, and keep on making videos
and improve along the way.

That is how I am doing things right now whether people like it or not. A lot of things we see
on tv has been rehearsed over and over and dozens of takes had to be taken to get that "perfect"
shot that's the same with youtubers. The successful ones spend hours to get videos just right before
they release out for public viewing. I personally like to say what's on my mind without editing myself.
It frees me and I am not worried if I don't get any views or not. I just like being myself, and it's always
nice to see how the finished product evolved a long the way.

Some youtuber post there "bloopers" on their channel and I seen many edit video because they
stumbled upon a word, or laughed in the middle of their talk. I think people like to see that kind
of stuff;it's relatable. So, that's just my take on editing my videos.

So, that's just my rambling about why I haven't been writing on this blog lately. I will post on here
everyday for a week just to get my juices going again, and start writing more lyrics and getting inspired
to make more music. I miss creating.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lyrics to My new song "Exceed your Expectations" 09/01/10

"Exceed your Expectation" By: John Khuu Copyright (C) 2010

There's no limitation
to your imagination
Let your mind free
and you'll exceed your expectations.

Move mountains in your head
Move mountains in your life
One stone at time
and everything will be all right

See what you want see what need
Get the tools and start to feed
Feed your hunger
Feed your pride
Let's go on this beautiful ride

In the journey to success
you'll encounter many tests
lessons you'll learn to be your best

The best has yet to come
Don't forget where you came from
help others out when they are in doubt
they'll want to pay you back
and give you a shout out

Change the lives of people around you
by changing your mind
and not letting negative surround you

Exceed your Expectations
Overcome your limitation
Use your imagination
and go on a permanent Vacation

Life's not suppose to be hard like this
so forget the rest and follow your bliss
Do what you love
Fly like a dove

Be free like butterfly
and rise above

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lyrics to my new song "Get Inspired" 8/31/10

Get Inspired By: John Khuu Copyright (C) 2010

Going through your day, in the bed you lay
Nothing to do
What can you do

Get inspired
Get yourself hired

Hire yourself to fire up yourself
bring up the heat
lets drop this beat

What's your passion?
What's your Life?
What's the one thing that kills your strife?

Is it music?
Is it doing some tricks?
What about dancing
or Juggling sticks?

Whatever you love, do it with passion
Show the world what you like to fashion

Get inspired
Learn from masters
they will teach you a whole lot faster

Follow what they do
Listen to what's true
Take in what you need
Throw out what the bad seeds

Get inspired
Learn what you can from
Books, Internet and Cds,
Magazines, interviews, and TV

They will teach you the lessons you need
and grow your foundation by watering your seed

Your thoughts your actions
will bring your success
inspire yourself and manifest the rest

When the rest is done
The cycle begins
There's no end to inspiration

Get Inspired!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lyrics to "Love" 8/8/10

"Love" by: John Khuu Copyright (C) 2010
JK Music For Life

Love in your life
is what makes you so bright
makes you so happy
makes you feel light

no worries
no problems
can get in your way
your loves too strong
to let them stay

In your heart the answer lies
Let it speak to you
When you cry
When you're angry
When you're scared

You'll be better
When you're prepared
prepared to answer
all the calls

the calls from your relationships
the calls from your work
the calls from your friendships
the calls from the jerk

prepare to answer all the calls
with love
and you'll be free like a dove
ready to fly to heavens above

The love in your life
Is what gets you through...
through the night
through the morning
through the fight

The battle we have within ourselves
It goes away when love guides the way

So let your heart sing its song
so you can go where you belong

Enjoy the laughter
Enjoy the tears
Enjoy your life without the fears

Love is the answer to guide you to
whatever it is that you want to do

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lyrics to "Little by Little" 7/25/10

"Little by Little" by: John Khuu Copyright (C) 2010

Little by little

Do what you can
in anyway

to move forward
and not back

be strong
when the wind comes smack

Stand your ground
and weather the storm

and keep on moving
to improve your form

When the day comes for you to be star
You'll see how the road was not so far

Little by little
is all you need

to move you forward
You'll be there indeed

The action you take
will make or break you

Take the action
That will take you

to the next level
to the next floor

Where all things are better
and you'll worry no more

Little by little
is all you need

To take you where
you want to be
See your outcome
See your life

Everything done little by little
and you'll be all right.

The Life you want
Is so close, so near

If you really want it
let go of your fear

Little by little
is all it takes

to get you where
you'll see the lake

that big mansion
that big house

the great relationship
you have with your spouse

The smiling faces
genuine and clear

that they love you
for being so dear

to your heart
to your soul

now that you made it
let's go show

the world people hated
would be no more

If they Live their passion
live their life

Little by little
and everything will be all right

Friday, July 9, 2010

Lyrics to "Stuck" Written on 07/10/10

"Stuck" by: John Khuu Copyright (C) 2010

When your stuck on section
and hit a plateau

What do you do
give up and just go

exit the door and
never come back

or will you persist
and find what
you lack

The Champion of Champions
never give up

They Stick it out
When in doubt

they feel they can't go no more
they dig deep in their hearts

and push out some more
Stuck in the muck

That's common for sure
many give up that's

accounted for
the stats in the books

Will you be one
or will you be Champion of champions

and move to the next floor
through ceiling

out the roof
into the sky

where all possibilities
lie in the minds eye

Stuck is a word that is only heard
in a voice that is not chirped by birds

It's not too pretty and not too great
until you know how to relate

What stuck means to me means different direction
what youre doing now needs some correction

You're stuck in the muck
because you made a wrong turn

Go back a step
and start to learn what you did wrong

so you can get unstuck and start feeling strong
and move yourself to a place where stuck is word

That means a verb to find a new path
to unlock more

to the next level
to the next floor

Where possibilities are endless
and stuck is no more.

When your stuck on a problem
that you can't get past

Look at all directions
until one that fits the tasks

See Stuck not as a problem
See Stuck as a verb

That means to find a new path
to unlock more

to the next level
to the next floor

Where possibilities are endless
and stuck is no more.

Find a direction that will help you

Stuck is a word that is unheard
in the mind of a champion
and not even birds

Stuck is not pretty stuck is not great
only if you know how to relate

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lyrics to New Song "Take Action" 7/09/10

"Take Action" By: John Khuu Copyright (C) 2010

The lights start to dim
A spot lights shines in

The Focus on you
What will you do

Take action
Shine Bright

Your vision in sight
The Feeling so great

Make note of this date
Your passion shines through

The world knows it's you
Your changing your ways

Learning each day
Breaking away

From the negative maze
That has trapped you for years

so many tears
Take action in life

To Bring out the sight
that you have in head

the future unread
The past is dead

Focus on
your present instead

One day at a time
Just start to grind

Results will come
within time

Take Action Today
Remember to play

Everything will come
your way

Take action, Take Action


Take action, Take Action

are ..
the natural Reaction

The Action you take
Will determine your fate

Take action in favor
or the things you'll savor

Your life will be bright
Because your vision's in sight

Take Action, Take Action

Take Action, Take Action

Lyrics to my New song "Thoughts in my head" 7/08/10

"Thoughts In my head" by: John Khuu Copyright (C) 2010

I have these thoughts in my head
they make me feel like I'm dead

I know they are here for a reason
to make me strong for next season

These Things I must battle
to get me out of this shadow

I must build up my strength
so I could go the whole length

Challenge these thoughts
they come in bunches and lots

They don't quit or give in
they live strong and push in

into my head
where I must challenge them dead

Live or die
That's what I see with my eye

I must take them out
so I can win this bout

and clear up the clouds
that's been barking to loud

get over this stream
so I can start to beam

and brighten my day
so I can ride away

to my destination
a few miles away

Where the fruits of my labor
I will and cherish and savor

Where The thoughts in my head
are bright and lead

with purpose ambition
to follow my mission

to make this world better
so give it a listen

Do you have thoughts in your head
that's making you dread

The life that your living
that's not really giving

The things that you want
or the things that you need

Plant a seed
and start to breed

a new way of thinking
take out the bad

replace it with good
so you can live life
like you always knew you could

Thoughts in my head
is what lead me to bed

dreaming about the things that
I just said

Thoughts in my head
they are better then meds

they make me stronger and stronger
and build my armor

So no thing can penetrate
my thoughts any longer

Started Writing Lyrics for New Song "Thoughts in my head"

Lyrics will be posted soon...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Now looking for New Songs to Write about

I am currently brainstroming ideas on a song to write on. Usually how a song comes to me is I get inspired about something in my life and start writing about it, and the song evolves.

Are you a musician? If you are please leave a comment below and leave your webpage or blog, and I'll make sure to check out your stuff. Thank you for reading and subscribing to my blog.

5 Songs Completed

I now have 5 songs under my belt. I need to create instrumentals for all of them. I have a few for my first song "My dream is coming true" But none for the other ones. I will need to work on them.

My Plan is to write lyrics everyday, and do instrumentals every week, and do something to improve myself musically everyday.

Can you help me in my musical quest? If you can, please leave a comment below, and I'll make sure I give you credit for the things I learn. Thank you for reading and subscribing to my blog.

Lyrics to new song "Exercise your body, Exercise your Mind" 7/06/10

Exercise your Body Exercise your Mind By: John Khuu Copyright (c) 2010

Exercise your Body Exercise your mind
That's the key the key to make you fine.

Do it everyday no quit no delay
So you can go out and enjoy your day

Your Body is an extension of your mind,
You use to do things all the time.

If your body is weak than your
Mind will follow

Strengthen your core
so you can do more

Go out for a swim, run, or jog
Or whatever you like you can walk your dog
It doesn't really matter what you do
What is important is that you exercise you

Notice how you feel after you exercise
You'll feel really energized
Ready to tackle the things in life
and cut through your to- dos like a knife

After the body you exercise your mind
The mind will throw you some weights to lift
You drop them and let it weigh you down
Or lift them so you can get off the ground

The Weights are the bad thoughts in your head
if you let them add up you'll feel dead

Lift those weights and exercise your mind
and everything else will just be fine.

Exercise your body exericse your mind
that's the key the key to make you fine.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lyrics to "Goals are the driving force of your life" 6/03/10

"Goals are the driving force of your life" by John Khuu (C) Copyright 2010

If your living your life without a plan
That's where you're going to go
to No Man's Land

No Goals, No Plans
and you can't understand
why you can't grasp the things that you want
in your hands

Wishes and dreams only come true
only if you plan what you're going to do

I wish, I wish upon a star
that one day
I'll become a star

So you wished and wished and wished away
but didn't do anything for the day

You thought it was easy
You thought it'll come quick
but nothing in sight
You put your head in a ditch

The days turned to months
the months turned to years
your wishes unanswered
got you crying your tears

You feel the fear
and know what's going to happen
If you don't stop this cycle
and start to take action

Your listening to this song
Now you know what you've done wrong
So you start setting your goals
and writing down your plans
The next step is to follow your comands

Goals are the driving force of your life
Without them you'll be at constant strife
No excitement, No Glory
Same old Story
Day after day you'll be wasting away

Change that around
and start planing your day
Set your Goals High
When you reach them you'll cry
Tears of Success now you can forget the rest.

Because Goals are the driving force of your life
without them you'll be at constant strife
set your goals high, beyond the sky
so you can live the life that you always eyed

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Completed Lyrics for "Challenge LIFE" 6/02/10

Challenge Life" by John Khuu (C) Copyright 2010

Challenge Life is the way to go
Let go of your fears and just go
Climb your Mountain
Climb them Steep
When you get to the top then you can sleep
But now it is time to accomplish this feat

The mountains high but you feel low
Where do you think that's going to go
Lift your spirits and bring them up
So no mountain top can interrupt

The Mountain is just a metaphor
to what your life has in store
The things that you want to do in life
is not going to come without any strife

So Challenge Life, Challenge Life

Life is going to give you some Challenges so accept them
and make the best of them

Plan out what your going to do to climb this mountain
So you can say bye to this mountain

Another milestone in the books
it's gonna make you really really hooked to

Challenge Life Challenge Life

[When you get to the top and think you're done
Think again.
That's when things get more fun.

Although you climed your mountain really steep.
Sure you can rest and get some sleep
but don't rest too long
There's more to Come
Another mountain top Full of fun

Challenges come into your life so you can grow
and live a better life

You think they're there to bring you down
They're here to get you off the ground
to test your will and strengthen your skills
so you can tackle any mountain or hill
that is blocking your way to a better day

So Challenge LIFE! That's how we play
Tommorow will be another day to

Challenge Life! Challenge Life!

That's the way we're going to live our life. Challenge Life! Challenge Life! ]

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bought Roland Fantom G7 Recommended by Paul Hoffman

I purchased a Roland Fantom G7 on 4/12/10 and received it a week later. I have since put 10 or more hours on it. I have been playing on it everyday since I have opened it. I waited three days before I received it to open it, because I needed to find it a home and was making space for it.

It's a great keyboard workstation. I am just getting the hang of utilizing some of it's many features. I can't wait until I am fluent in its language so I can create music with it easily and magicly so I can share my music with the world.

I am currently being coached by Paul Hoffman, Founder of SuccessCreationInstutite.com and SuccessSongs.com. He recommended I get this keyboard. So far I am loving it! It's like having a symphony orchestra right in the keyboard, it's amazing.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Created New Song Lyrics "Challenge Life"

"Challenge Life" by John Khuu (C) Copyright 2010

Challenge Life is the way to go
Let go of your fears and just go
Climb your Mountain
Climb them Steep
When you get to the top then you can sleep
But now it is time to accomplish this feat

The mountains high but you feel low
Where do you think that's going to go
Lift your spirits and bring them up
So no mountain top can interrupt

The Mountain is just a metaphor
to what your life has in store
The things that you want to do in life
is not going to come without any strife

So Challenge Life, Challenge Life

Life is going to give you some Challenges so accept them
and make the best of them

Plan out what your going to do to climb this mountain
So you can say bye to this mountain

Another milestone in the books
it's gonna make you really really hooked to

Challenge Life Challenge Life

Created New Song 4/06/10 "Time is of the Essence -- The Game of Success" Lyrics

"Time is of the Essence -- The Game of Success" by: John Khuu (C) Copyright 2010

The Day has started and just begun
Let's begin our Adventure of Fun


Time is of the Essence,
Don't let it stray
Plan out your day and make it go your way

Verse 1

Time waits for no one, so let's have some fun
Take your journal and let your pen run
Write out what you are going to do everyday
Schedule it in your calendar and let's play

The name of the game is called Success
Sucess is what your after.
To get there faster
You have to master your time.



Verse 2

Take your schedule and follow it closely.
Time is going to take off what you don't see
The hours, minutes, seconds of the day keeps on ticking
without your say

The time your taking to watch TV
will that bring you success and make you free?
What about sitting around with a frown?
That's only going to make you really down

Take out your schedule and follow it closely.
Do what you say, but enjoy yourself mostly
You see in the end in the game of Success
only those that acted on their schedule
turn out best.



Verse 3

Once your done and had your fun
It's time to teach another one
Sucess is a game for all to play
The Masters of the game should share away

Share their knowledge, share their secrets
The world won't get better if they keep it.
Sucess is a game for all to play.
The Masters of the game know
What I say


Time is of the Essence,
Don't let it stray
Plan out your day and make it go your way

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Great Start to a Fresh New Path and amazing discoveries

Just finished a call with success coach Paul Hoffman with successsongs.com. I am in his 90 day coaching program with 16 amazing people. I got some insight on what I need to do everyday to make it where I want to go. It's going to an exciting 90 days, I am looking forward to what tommorow's call holds. Stay tuned for more.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Dream is Coming True Revision 4

My dream is coming true by John Khuu (c) 2010

My dream is coming true now I know what to do
everyday of my life I'll be ringing true
Doing my time to make my rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when I wake up I'll be singing my song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
I'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

When times get tough, and things look bleak
I have to remember what it is... that I seek.
Obstables, challenges, in my way
Only makes me stronger day by day

The time to change is here and now
the world is waiting to be wowed
the future is bright and the world we seek
is only a matter of accomplishing feats.

Dreams come true only you I do
So if you have a dream, make it come true
Do What you choose to do; Do what you want to do
Make it come true with your attitude

Change the way you think
Change you bad thought links
Empower yourself with the master keys
Keys to your thoughts, keys to your soul,
Keys to where you want to go

I'll reach for the stars, I'll reach for the sky
I'll make the world realize
My Passion is True
I love what I do

I going to see Life with a Brand New View
Things will be brighter, things will be clearer
it's going to be beautiful atmosphere

My dream is coming true now I know what to do
everyday of my life I'll be ringing true
Doing my time to make my rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when I wake up I'll be singing my song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
I'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

Our dream is coming true now we know what to do
everyday of our lives we''ll be ringing true
Doing our time to make our rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when we wake up we'll be singing our song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
we'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Words are Magic (c) 2010

Words are Magic Words are True
Everything thing you say is going to be huge.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Dream is Coming True Revision 3

My dream is coming true by John Khuu (c) 2010

My dream is coming true now I know what to do
everyday of my life I'll be ringing true
Doing my time to make my rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when I wake up I'll be singing my song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
I'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

When times get tough, and things look bleak..

When times get tough and things look bleak...

When times get tough, and things look bleak
I have to remember what it is... that I seek.
Obstables, challenges, in my way
Only makes me stronger day by day

My dream is coming true now I know what to do
everyday of my life I'll be ringing true
Doing my time to make my rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when I wake up I'll be singing my song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
I'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

The time to change is here and now
the world is waiting to be wowed
the future is bright and the world we seek
is only a matter of accomplishing feats.

Dreams come true only if you do
So if you have a dream, make it come true
Do What you choose to do; Do what you want to do
Make it come true with your attitude

Change the way you think
Change your bad thought links
Empower yourself with the master keys
Keys to your thoughts, keys to your soul,
Keys to where you want to go

Your dream is coming true now what know what to do
everyday of your life you''ll be ringing true
Doing your time to make your rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when you wake up you'll be singing your song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
You''ll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

My dream is coming true now I know what to do
everyday of my life I'll be ringing true
Doing my time to make my rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when I wake up I'll be singing my song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
I'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

Our dream is coming true now we know what to do
everyday of our lives we''ll be ringing true
Doing our time to make our rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when we wake up we'll be singing our song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
we'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

Where there's More,
Where there's More
Where there's more...

Where there's More,
Where there's More
Where there's more...

Where there's More,
Where there's More
Where there's mooore

My Dream is coming True Revised

My dream is coming true by John Khuu (c) 2010

My dream is coming true now I know what to do
everyday of my life I'll be ringing true
Doing my time to make my rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when I wake up I'll be singing my song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
I'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

When times get tough, and things look bleak
I have to remember what it is... that I seek.
Obstables, challenges, in my way
Only makes me stronger day by day

My dream is coming true now I know what to do
everyday of my life I'll be ringing true
Doing my time to make my rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when I wake up I'll be singing my song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
I'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

The time to change is here and now
the world is waiting to be wowed
the future is bright and the world we seek
is only a matter of accomplishing feats.

Dreams come true only if you do
So if you have a dream, make it come true
Do What you choose to do; Do what you want to do
Make it come true with your attitude

Change the way you think
Change your bad thought links
Empower yourself with the master keys
Keys to your thoughts, keys to your soul,
Keys to where you want to go

Your dream is coming true now what know what to do
everyday of your life you''ll be ringing true
Doing your time to make your rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when you wake up you'll be singing your song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
You''ll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

My dream is coming true now I know what to do
everyday of my life I'll be ringing true
Doing my time to make my rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when I wake up I'll be singing my song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
I'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

Our dream is coming true now we know what to do
everyday of our lives we''ll be ringing true
Doing our time to make our rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when we wake up we'll be singing our song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
we'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First Song Created 2/18/10 Title: My Dream is Coming True

My dream is coming true by John Khuu

My dream is coming true now I know what to do
everyday of my life I'll be ringing true
Doing my time to make my rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when I wake up I'll be singing my song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
I'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

When times get tough, and things look bleak
I have to remember what it is... that I seek.
Obstables, challenges, in my way
Only makes me stronger day by day

My dream is coming true now I know what to do
everyday of my life I'll be ringing true
Doing my time to make my rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when I wake up I'll be singing my song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
I'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

The time to change is here and now
the world is waiting to be wowed
the future is bright and the world we seek
is only a matter of accomplishing a few feats.

Dreams come true only if you do
So if you have a dream, make it come true
Do What you have to do; Do what you need to do
Make it come true with your attitude

Change the way you think
Change your bad thought links
Enforce yourself with the master keys
Keys to your thoughts, keys to your soul,
Keys to where you want to go

Your dream is coming true now what know what to do
everyday of your life you''ll be ringing true
Doing your time to make your rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when you wake up you'll be singing your song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
You''ll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

My dream is coming true now I know what to do
everyday of my life I'll be ringing true
Doing my time to make my rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when I wake up I'll be singing my song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
I'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more

Our dream is coming true now we know what to do
everyday of our lives we''ll be ringing true
Doing our time to make our rhyme
To see that the world brings better times

Everyday when we wake up we'll be singing our song
so that tommorow will better than the day before
we'll spread wings... fly and soar
to higher heights, where there's more