Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lyrics to my new song "Get Inspired" 8/31/10

Get Inspired By: John Khuu Copyright (C) 2010

Going through your day, in the bed you lay
Nothing to do
What can you do

Get inspired
Get yourself hired

Hire yourself to fire up yourself
bring up the heat
lets drop this beat

What's your passion?
What's your Life?
What's the one thing that kills your strife?

Is it music?
Is it doing some tricks?
What about dancing
or Juggling sticks?

Whatever you love, do it with passion
Show the world what you like to fashion

Get inspired
Learn from masters
they will teach you a whole lot faster

Follow what they do
Listen to what's true
Take in what you need
Throw out what the bad seeds

Get inspired
Learn what you can from
Books, Internet and Cds,
Magazines, interviews, and TV

They will teach you the lessons you need
and grow your foundation by watering your seed

Your thoughts your actions
will bring your success
inspire yourself and manifest the rest

When the rest is done
The cycle begins
There's no end to inspiration

Get Inspired!